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A Study of Menstrual Hygiene Practices and its Impact on Academic Performance among Adolescent Girls

Jyoti Sihag*, Poonam Yadav and Sunita

Menarche is the most important event in the life of an adolescent girl. During this transition, girls will experience menarche and significant changes in lifestyle, behavior, growth and development. The purpose of this study was to better understand the challenges girls face due to menstrual hygiene practices and its impact on academic performance and present recommendations to create a supportive school and home environment for adolescent girls in Haryana state. The study was conducted on 240 adolescent girls in the age group of 10-14 years and 15-19 years belonging to rural and urban areas of Hisar district. Selfdeveloped schedules were used to delineate personal, socio-personal variables and facilities at home and school in terms of menstrual hygiene management. For the present study academic performance was measured by selfdeveloped interview schedule. Frequency, percentages, means, standard deviation, Z- test, ANOVA and chi-square tests were used to analyse the data as per objectives. The study found that facilities at school in terms of menstrual hygiene management, girls reported lack of proper disposal system for sanitary materials and lack of availability of changing rooms. Nearly half of respondents reported lack of open discussion from family on menstrual hygiene management issues. Majority of respondents of rural background were unsatisfied with the family communication and guidance on menstrual hygiene management they received at homes. Present research has found that a substantial portion of girls‟ of menstrual hygiene impact on academic achievement. Rural respondent’s academic performance had more effected as comparison to urban respondents.

Published Date: 2023-10-05; Received Date: 2022-04-27