Nguyen Duy Anh
Objective: To confirm the validity and reliability of a job satisfaction instrument to assess the satisfaction of administrative staff at Hanoi Obstetrics & Gynecology Hospital, Vietnam. Method: Study was conducted in two phases. First, a nine-step translation process was done with an appropriate instrument for measuring job satisfaction among administrative staff at the hospital. Second, a quantitative survey of administrative staff in the hospital (n=243) was undertaken to investigate the validity and reliability of the questionnaire. Expert review (n=7), pre-testing (n=8) for item appropriateness, rewording and rephrasing were conducted before the quantitative survey and testretest reliability assessment (n=30 participants) were also undertaken. Result: The final instrument for meassuring job satisfaction among administrative staff at the hospital consists of 7 dimension and 28 items, pay and benefits (7 items), reward and recognition (6 items), supervision (3 items), working conditions (3 items), communication (3 items), co-workers (3 items), and nature of the job (3 items). The CVI for the overall scale was 0.96, much higher than the threshold recommended by other instrument developers. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficients of individual dimensions ranged from 0.658 to 0.867. The test-retest reliability coefficients over an interval of 15 days were ranged between 0.757 and 0.895, showing that the instrument had good test-retest reliability over a short period. The results of this phase showed that the new instrument was valid and reliable for assessing the job satisfaction of the administrative staff. Conclusion: This is the first study to confirm the validity and reliability of the instrument for measuring job satisfaction of administrative staff working in a hospital in Vietnam, which appears to have good psychometric properties. It could be used for regular monitoring and evaluation of the hospital’s human resource.
Published Date: 2022-03-29; Received Date: 2022-03-12