Santana Martins, Delfim da Costa Xavier Ferreira and Muntasir
The Department of Pharmacy is a part of the hospital that is responsible for managing drugs which includes the selection, procurement, distribution and use of drugs. This study aims to analyse the level of efficiency of drug management in the Pharmacy Department of Hospital Nacional Guido Valadares Dili.
Research uses descriptive designs for retrospective and concurrent data. Retrospective observations include planning and drug use reports, financial reports, drug procurement reports, invoices, stock taking reports. Concurrent observation includes the average waiting time for patient prescription services. Data is collected quantitatively and qualitatively. Data obtained from all stages of drug management in the Pharmacy Department of the Hospital National Guido Valadares Dili were analysed by efficiency indicators using the Ministry of Health indicators (2008) and WHO (1993) then compared with other standards or research results.
The results of the study show that the management system that is not yet in accordance with the standards is: the selection stage, the suitability of the drug with DOEN TL (96.19%); stage of procurement, capital / funds available with all the funds needed (86.03%); allocation of funds for drug procurement (4.23%); suitability of planning with the actual use for each drug item (88.12%); procurement of each drug item per year (4.97 times); distribution stage, drug expiration and damage (20.76%); compatibility between physical medicine and stock card (76.90%); level of drug availability (18 months); stage of use, number of items per prescription sheet (4.07 items for outpatient care and 8.23 items for hospitalization); Stage that fits the standard: the distribution stage, the average time used to serve the recipe to the patient's prescription in outpatients is 28.15 minutes, while for concoction recipes at 53.60. It is hoped that the Timor-Leste hospital will improve effective and efficient management of drugs to ensure health services.
Keywords: drug management, efficiency indicators, Dili Department of Pharmacy HNGV
Santana Martins has Completed Master of Public Health from Universidade da Paz Timor-Leste,and bachelor of Community Development Study Universidade Nasiional Timor-Lorosae, as Basic Nurse. He is Secretaris General of Timor-Leste Nurses Association, Director of administration, Finances and Humans Resources, SAMES(Central Pharmacy of Timor-Leste)