lhan AYDIN
A study evaluating the effects of iodine treatment on the hatching success of turbot eggs was carried out. A hundred, 500, 1500 and 3000 ppm iodine treatment were performed for 10 minutes. The treatment with 3000 ppm iodine presented lower hatching percentage (70.0 ±6.08%). The control group (97.6 ±1.42%) and disinfected with 100 ppm iodine (91.3 ±4.04%) resulted in slightly higher hatching percentage, and significantly different from the other disinfected groups (P 0.05). The control group and disinfected eggs with 1500 and 3000 ppm iodine were statistically significant in abnormality (P 0.05). Zero-day-old eggs, 1-day-old eggs and 3-day-old eggs were treated with a dose of 100 ppm iodine for ten minutes. Diffrences in abnormalities between 0-day-old eggs (early morula stage) and 1 and 3 day-old eggs were statistically significant (P < 0.05). In conclusion, 100 ppm iodine appeared suitable for disinfecting turbot eggs if treament is applied at the early morula stage.