Abdullah Öksüz
Element compositions, fatty acid profiles, lipid levels, and proximate compositions of marbled spinefoot and dusky spinefoot from Northeastern Mediterranean Sea/Turkey were evaluated. Amounts of K and P of both fish were calculated as the predominant elements among the 11 and followed by Na, Mg, and Ca in this study. Apart from the copper, micro elements composition did not change significantly in both species. Saturated fatty acids (SFA), polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) levels were the predominant fatty acids in both species respectively. Linoleic (n6) acid and linolenic (n3) acid levels were significantly higher in dusky spine foot than marbled spine foot. The ratio of DHA/EPA in marbled spinefoot and dusky spinefoot were calculated as 3.58 and 1.82, respectively. Lipid content of dusky spine-foot was significantly (P< 0.05) higher than that of marbled spine-foot, although moisture contents of both fish were almost the same.