Gilberto Bermudez Ruiz*, Celia Yaneth Quiroz Campas and Cruz Garcia Lirios
Anti-COVID-19 policies follow the epidemiological traffic light that goes from red in total confinement to green in total deconfinement. In both scenarios, entrepreneurship is a response to the health and economic crisis. Based on distancing, confinement and immunization, the literature related to entrepreneurship configures a network structure that the present work set out to explain. A documentary, exploratory and cross-sectional work was carried out with a selection of findings published in journals indexed to Conacyt, Latindex and Redalyc. The information was selected considering the criteria of expert judges on the topics. A network was established from clustering and centrality coefficients. The results were discussed from the reviewed literature.
Published Date: 2023-04-11; Received Date: 2023-02-06