The viruses that can be propagated in cell cultures or that can infect humans or economically important animals and plants are the focus of much of the research on viruses. However, only a small portion of the virosphere is represented here. As a result, we investigate the virome differences between Atlantic horse mackerels and gilthead seabreams from fisheries and aquaculture in the center and south of Portugal using targeted next-generation sequencing in this study. The Astroviridae, Nodaviridae, Hepadnaviridae, Birnaviridae, Caliciviridae, and Picornaviridae families were found to have viral genomes that could be harmful to humans as well as fish and crustaceans.
KeywordsVirome diversity; Metagenomics; Atlantic horse mackerel; Gilthead sea bream; Health-threat
Published Date: 2023-04-28; Received Date: 2023-04-03