Krishna Mohan Chinnala, Rabi Narayan Panigrahy, Ramesh Bantu, Gowtham Reddy Kallem
The present study involves formulation and evaluation of sustained release floating tablet using Rosiglitazone maleate as a model anti-diabetic drug. Endeavors with respect to floating mechanism are inculcated in the formulation to achieve longer stay of tablet in stomach, which happens to the better site of absorption for the selected drug. Preformulation studies involving organoleptic, bulk density, angle of repose, tapped density, compressibility index, Hausner’s ratio, melting point range, pH and solubility were carried out as per IP specifications. Drug excipients compatibilities were carried out physical evaluation and FTIR, which showed no significant change in any way to the mixture. Different grades of HPMC viz, E4M, E15M, K100M were utilized in the trails. All the physical evaluations and preformulation studies were carried out on all the three different polymers utilized. All the formulations exhibited values within the acceptable range. Rosiglitazone tablets were evaluated for weight variations, hardness, friability, thickness, and buoyancy studies. Release studies were carried out in 0.1 N HCL, for 12 hours. Results indicated that formulation F4, gave 93.78% release up to 12 hrs, which is formulated with E15M alone. Assay was carried out for formulation F4 and was found to be 99.23%. The mechanism of drug release form matrix tablets follows Non- Fickian release (Diffusion and Swelling). Remaining formulations gave fluctuating release profiles. The formulation F4 was considered to be better among the trails accomplished.