One hundred and fifty juveniles of Clarias gariepinus of mean weight 53 g were stocked ran-domly at seven fish per tank (52.5 X 33.5 X 21 cm3) in triplicate. Seven experimental diets were formulated with varied inclusion levels of calcium and phosphorus sources; Diet 1 (1 % DCP and 1% Egg shell), Diet 2 (2% DCP), Diet 3 (2% Egg shell), Diet 4 (1% Bone meal and 1% Oyster shell), Diet 5 (1% Egg shell and 1% Bone meal), Diet 6 (0.5% Egg shell, 1% Bone meal and 0.5% Oyster shell) and Diet 7 had no extra calcium or phosphorus source. The mean weight gain, MWG and specific growth rate, SGR of the result showed significant difference (P < 0.05) across the test treatments. Diet 2 showed the highest MWG and SGR (63.5 g and 2.13 %/day respectively), it also showed highest value for protein intake (23.09) while Diet 4 had the best values for protein efficiency ratio (3.01) and feed conversion ratio (0.96). Diet 2 (2% DCP) recorded remarkable significant different (p 0.05) values for the net profit value, investment cost analysis and gross profit for the tested economic indices compared to other di-ets. Therefore, results from the study suggest 2% inclusion level of DCP as optimum require-ment for the growth of C. gariepinus.