Brian Stark* and Jeffery Alexander
Title: HIV Management in Primary Care
Background: HIV is a chronic medical condition that has been historically managed by specialists. Recent advances in medication regimens have simplified treatment. This simplification could result in more patients having HIV managed in primary care
Purpose: To assess perceptions and practices of primary care providers (PCPs) regarding management of HIV in primary care.
Methods: This was a quantitative, cross-sectional, descriptive study. Participants were included who were licensed healthcare providers and practiced primary care full-time
Results: Most participants answered that HIV cannot be managed in primary care, that they referred new and established patients to specialty clinics for management of HIV, and that they would be more likely to manage HIV in primary care if appropriate continuing medical education (CME) was available.
Conclusion: This study demonstrates a need for HIV-related CME activities for PCPs
Published Date: 2023-03-31; Received Date: 2023-03-03