Pesticides, a class of compounds comprising mainly of Organophosphorous, Organochloro and Carbamate are a cause of major social concern worldwide because of their high toxicity, easy availability and affordable cost, making them the most potent and common poisoning agents. Pesticides are the most common poison for suicides. Poisoning by pesticides also comprise a significant number of homicide cases and accidental poisoning too. These are also used as chemical weapon in warfare. Though a global estimate is not possible even today, according to WHO about one million serious accidental cases and two million suicidal cases due to insecticidal poisoning occur worldwide of which nearly 2,00,000 cases lead to death. In India too pesticides are the most prevalent poison of death out of suicidal, accidental and homicidal poisoning.
Though the mechanism of pesticides interactions in human body is neither the focus nor the scope of present study some discussion on this is necessary. Organophosphorous and Carbamate group of pesticides act as acetyl cholinesterase inhibitor that affects the central and peripheral nervous system,muscles,liver,pancreas and brain resulting in death due to non-functioning of vital organs. Organophosphorous insecticides are potent inhibitors of serine active site enzymes including esterases, proteases and lipases. These can also form adduct on other cellular proteins. It has also been observed that other proteins i.e. other than cholinesterase are also important in case of certain Organophosphorous insecticides that cause neurotoxicity without significant cholinesterase inhibition while some others also interact with albumin, amino acids and have nonspecific interaction with proteins. Organochloro insecticides mostly affect lipid metabolism in the adipose tissues and change glucose pathways in other cells.