
Health Science Journal

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Labour conflicts between administrative, medical and nursing personnel in the hospital

Maniou Maria

Background: The units of benefit of health’s services as are the public and private hospitals, constitute organisms with multileveled structure where work persons (administrative, doctors, nurses, ) that differ in many sectors so that many times are not ensured the collaboration between individuals and teams. The result is that often emerge conflicts that begin from juxtaposition of different motives, between administration and personnel and the conclusion is the intense disturbance of labour environment in the hospital with likely negative consequences. The aim of this study was a review of the international bibliography in the subject of labour relations of personnel’s branch in the hospital. Methods and material: The method of this study included bibliography research from both the review and the research literature which carried out internationally and referred to the labour conflicts between administrative, medical and nursing personnel in the hospital. Results: The good labour relations between doctors and manager are related with the high satisfaction of personnel. The poor professional relations between medical and administrative personnel are connected with problems in the organisation and in the operation of the hospital. There is intensity between medical and administrative personnel because of the regularisation of medical knowledge. Also there is conflict between medical and nursing personnel and influence immediately the patient. because of non favourable conditions in which the most nurses work, low economic rewards, limited professional autonomy and limited attendance in the decision-making have unfavourable consequences in the relation between doctors and nurses. Conclusions: The good labour environment should constitute the first priority in the units where their main product is based on the factor of production. Consequently the units of benefit of health’s services owe to interest mainly for the labour environment, the labour relations and the professional satisfaction of their workers.