
Health Science Journal

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Maternal Health Transformation: Harnessing IoMT for Advanced Risk Assessment and Monitoring

Dipali Panchal* and Krunal Vaghela

IoT is a revolutionary breakthrough that has the potential to revolutionize critical sectors such as healthcare. This article proposes a highly effective approach to monitoring expecting mothers in remote regions of developing countries using wearable sensing technology. This technology not only tracks the health of the pregnant woman but also informs her and her family of any potential health concerns. Despite extensive research and efforts to lower maternal and fetal mortality rates, they remain persistently high. Innovative IoT technology improving monitoring can be a significant game-changerin the health of pregnant women residing in remote areas of developing nations. Through intelligent machine learning algorithms. Given the substantial influx of data that these healthcare systems manage, considerable advancements have also been observed in the arena of computational platforms. Scholarly literature pertinent to this subject attests to the prospective transformative influence of ICTenabled systems in the enhancement of maternal and infant health standards. This piece of writing assesses wearable detectors and AI algorithms within pre-existing frameworks devised to anticipate potential hazards throughout the course of pregnancy and the postpartum phase, encompassing both maternal and infant aspects. The appraisal encompasses an examination of the sensors and AI algorithms integrated into these frameworks, dissecting each methodology based on its distinctive attributes, resulting effects, and pioneering elements in a sequential manner. Additionally, it engages in a discourse pertaining to the datasets employed, expounding upon the obstacles encountered while also extending insights into potential avenues for future scholarly endeavors.

Published Date: 2023-12-30; Received Date: 2023-12-03