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Relationship of Visceral Adiposity Index with the Metabolic Phenotype and Cardiovascular Markers in Non-Diabetic Subjects

Monica I Cardona-Alvarado, Gabriela Lopez-Moreno, Herlinda Aguilar-Zavala, Nicte Figueroa- Vega and Elva Perez-Luque

Aim: Visceral adiposity index (VAI) provides information of visceral adipose tissue function and insulin sensitivity. This study’s aim is to evaluate the relationship of VAI with different metabolic phenotypes and cardiometabolic risk markers in non-diabetic subjects. Methods: 183 health clinical subjects from 30 to 50 years of age, with normal weight and with obesity grade I were recruited. Anthropometric measures were taken and quantified glucose, lipids, insulin, high-sensitivity Creactive protein (hs-CRP) and adiponectin concentrations. Unhealthy phenotype was defined according to the criteria; Visceral Adiposity index (VAI) was calculated. Results: 40% were metabolically healthy obese (MHO), they showed lower serum glucose, triglycerides, insulin, hs-CRP levels, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, HOMA-IR than metabolically unhealthy obese subjects (MUO). Metabolically unhealthy non-obese subjects (MUNO) showed higher serum triglycerides, insulin levels, HOMA- IR than the metabolically healthy non-obesity (MHNO) subjects. MUNO and MUO subjects had higher VAI values than MHNO and MHO subjects. In a logistic regression analysis using the cut-offs of VAI quartile 4, >2.25 in women and >1.86 in men found a strong association with glucose, HOMA-IR and adiponectin concentrations. In ROC analysis using these cut-off determined for glucose concentrations >100 mg/dL, an area under the curve of 0.83 in men and 0.71 in women; for HOMA-IR 0.78 only in men, and for adiponectin 0.69 in men and 0.91 in women. Conclusion: Therefore, VAI is a useful indicator to evaluate the metabolic risk both of non-obese and obese individuals.