Amare Simegn1*, Demeke Mesfin2 , Biniam Minuye3 , Belayneh Ayanaw4 , Tewachew Muche5
To really answer questions that who will get worse from COVID-19 and the reasons why, researchers need robust data disaggregated by age, sex, race and socio-economic background. But, how the government of different countries in the world responded for COVID-19 so far was with paramount limitations. Supporting gender analysis and sex- disaggregated data are an integral part of a strong COVID-19 response. Gender blinded decisions and policies are not only worse, they are ineffective and usually fail. Severity and mortality of individuals from COVID-19 are attributable to sex and gender differences. However, many countries in the world still lack storing their sexdisaggregated data on their respective data sources. Therefore, all countries need to start storing their data independently by sex, age and even race. National policies and intervention guidelines for COID-19 pandemic are better if prepared based on sex-cantered approach. International researchers from different disciplines like, immunology are requested to intensively investigate for sex and gender specific factors.