The full link between fisheries and climate change is difficult to examine due to the setting of each fishery and the numerous traces that climate change influences. However, there is sufficient evidence for these consequences on a worldwide scale. However, there is sufficient evidence for these consequences on a worldwide scale. Rising ocean temperatures and acidification are drastically affecting marine aquatic ecosystems, while changes in water temperature, flow, and fish habitat loss are wreaking havoc on freshwater ecosystems. Climate change is altering fish distribution as well as the fertility of marine and freshwater species.
The influence of climate change on ocean systems has an impact on the sustainability of fisheries and aquaculture, the livelihoods of those who rely on fisheries, and the oceans' ability to grab and store carbon. Climate change has a significant influence on coastal fishing populations as a result of sea level rise, while altering rainfall patterns and water use have an impact on inland freshwater fisheries and aquaculture.
Published Date: 2022-12-31; Received Date: 2022-12-02