
Archivos de Medicina

  • ISSN: 1698-9465
  • Journal h-index: 29
  • Journal CiteScore: 11.20
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    8 - 9 volumes 40 days
    10 and more volumes 45 days
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Vacunación en Pacientes con Enfermedad Renal Crónica

Jorge Rico-Fontalvo, Rodrigo Daza-Arnedo, Víctor Leal-Martinez, Nehomar Pájaro-Galvis, Emilio Abuabara-Franco; Christian Pérez-Calvo, Carlos Jaramillo-Pérez, Isabella Uparella-Gulfo and María Carolina Paternina

Infectious complications in patients with chronic kidney disease are described as the second main cause of hospitalization and generate an impact on mortality, which is why vaccination becomes one of the pillars to prevent infections in patients with kidney disease. Patients diagnosed with chronic kidney disease present immunological dysfunction, which makes them prone to complications of an infectious type, mediated by viruses, bacteria, parasites and other microorganisms. This is why the benefits obtained by applying a correct immunization scheme in this type of patient are enormous, frankly impacting on the possible complications that they may have.

Methodology: An advanced search was carried out with the terms DeSC and MeSH: Chronic kidney disease; Vaccination; Hepatitis B; Hepatitis A; Pneumococcus; Influenza; Herpes zoster. The Clinical Key, Embase, PubMed and Ovid search engines were used, obtaining a total of 146 results, including original articles, case reports, and literature reviews; Through narrative analysis, and based on selection criteria such as epidemiological data from the last 5 years on chronic kidney disease and infections, in addition to clinical practice guidelines on the different vaccination schemes, a total of 45 articles were selected that were used to the preparation of this literature review.