Short Communication - (2017) Volume 4, Issue 1
Aaron S. Wallman*
Clinical Fellow in Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine, Columbia University Medical Center, United States
Corresponding Author:
Aaron S. Wallman
Clinical Fellow in Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine
Columbia University Medical Center, United States
Tel: 310-502-5889
Received Date: January 03, 2017; Accepted Date: January 10, 2017; Published Date: January 17, 2017
Citation: Wallman AS. Cancer’s New Input and Output: A Possible Cure. Health Syst Policy Res. 2016, 4:1. doi:10.21767/2254-9137.100062
Short Communication
In the case of cancer, Dr. Finke thinks such cells have excessive mitogenic divisions. To him such a process creates tumors. Dr. Finke also thinks that these abnormal tumors are created from their faulty signaling during mitosis.
On the basis of research on reversine at the Scripps Research Institute [1], I predict that the correct dosage of reversine leads the cancer cells to change into self-repairing stem cells again. As the foundation for this prediction of mine, I use Dr. Carroll’s belief that stem cells are repaired just after their conception. I predict that cancer’s faulty process of signaling during mitosis ends from their self-repair like Dr. Carroll suggests happens just after conception [2]. I therefore propose that with the correct amount of reversine, these cancer cells become renewed and then repaired.
The output of cancerous tumors are from a faulty input of signaling during the mitosis of cells which activates an abnormal telomerase that leads them to have excessive mitogenic divisions as Dr. Finke mentioned [3].
The input of reversine’s dosage should end cancer’s output as tumors by activating a new and normal output of telomerase for these cells. I believe that this process occurs with the most accurate input of reversine as a dosage from ideally a robot in a laboratory [4].
Researchers should continue to pursue all the possible dosages of reversine from their experiments with or without a robot. For example, at the Scripps Research Institute [1], the scientists discovered a muscle cell can become either a fat or a bone cell after it became a stem cell, which was from a certain dosage of reversine. With also a selected dosage of reversine, Dr. Ruxin discovered that it had a positive effect on the hippocampal neurons of rats [5]. On the basis of such experiments, scientists can end the cancer in the human cells rather than killing the whole cell itself. In other words, scientists can turn cancer cells into normal cells with a select dosage of reversine which is a step further than the two previously mentioned studies. To achieve this result, researchers should continue to experiment with a dosage of reversine until the cancers cells as stem cells repair themselves and stop their replication into tumors and then end cancer completely. As stated before, I predict from reversine that a new telomerase arises from these cancer cells as they become stem cells. During this state, I believe that Dr. Carroll would stress that there is a stem cell process of self-repair like the one after a person’s conception as a human being [2].
In this article I have proposed that with the correct dosage of reversine, cancer’s abnormal process of telomerase becomes the normal process of telomerase. So, I believe that there is a cancer cell’s [6] processing of new input from reversine and then it outputs as it becomes a normal cell without cancer. Such an occurrence is like a computer with its input and output and also like the processing of data with human brains. I invite students and researchers to consider the use of reversine on cancer cells with the hope that these cells become normal ones with their new input and output and with natures input as well.