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Research Article - (2018) Volume 12, Issue 3

Cognitive Functioning among Elders with Symptoms of Depression: The Case of Two Selected Institutionalized Care Centers in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Ephrem Habte* and Tefera Tekle

School of Psychology, College of Education and Behavioral Studies, Jigjiga University, Jigjig, Ethiopia

*Corresponding Author:

Ephrem Habte
School of Psychology
College of Education and Behavioral Studies
Jigjiga University, Jigjig, Ethiopia
Tel: +251913277801
Fax: 360-650-7447

Received Date: 11 April 2018; Accepted Date: 04 June 2018; Published Date: 13 June 2018

Citation: Habte E, Tekle T (2018) Cognitive Functioning among Elders with Symptoms of Depression: The Case of Two Selected Institutionalized Care Centers in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Health Sci J Vol. 12 No. 3: 571.

Copyright: © 2018 Habte E, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution license, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

DOI: 10.21767/1791-809X.1000571

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Objectives: Old age is accompanied by different forms of physical and psychological problems. This study aimed to investigate cognitive functioning among elders with symptoms of depression. Methods: This study employed a cross-sectional descriptive survey. In this study, 116 participants were purposefully selected out of 148 elders from two institutionalized care centers in Addis Ababa with inclusive criteria. The instruments of data collection were GDS-15 and MMSE. Mean, Standard deviation, t-test, ANOVA and Pearson correlation coefficient were used as methods of data analysis. Results: This study showed that the elders had high rate of depression (68.1%). In addition, 87.1% of elders had declined cognitive functioning. Similarly, the study indicated that there was statistically significant inverse relationship between depression and cognitive functioning (r=-0.48, p<0.01). Elders without partners had manifested higher symptoms of depression. Conclusion: The finding revealed that depression and cognitive decline were higher among the elders. Females had lower cognitive functioning compared to their male counterparts. An increased age and lower level of literacy were associated with lower cognitive functioning and higher symptoms of depression and the married elders had higher score in MMSE compared to others. We suggest that further research is needed to be conducted on non-institutionalized elders.


Depression; Cognitive; Geriatric


Old age is defined in different ways by different groups, societies and countries. Terms such as elderly, older person and old age are often used interchangeably referring to people who are 60 and above [1,2]. The old age starts in the sixties [1]. However, others contended that the period of old age includes people with the age of 65 and above. So, there is no clear demarcation points concerning the period of old age [3].

However, the UN defines aging in relation to people whose age is 60 years and above [4]. This definition has gained acceptance in the Ethiopian context as it coincides with the country’s official retirement age [2]. Hence, in this study, terms elderly and older people are, therefore, used interchangeably referring to all people aged 60 and above. United Nation’s Statistical report indicated that 962 million people, 13% of the global population, were estimated to be 60 and above [4]. In Ethiopia, there were more than 4.2 million elders in 2013 [5]. This figure is projected to 5.2 million by the year 2020 [6].

Old age is highly accompanied by various forms of physical and psychological problems compared to other stages of development [7-9]. Similarly, depression and anxiety are among the commonly reported psychological problems among the elders [10]. Accordingly, this paper aimed at investigating the cognitive functioning among elders with symptoms of depression. Depression is ranked as the fourth leading cause of disability worldwide and the organization projected that by 2020 it will be the second leading cause of death [11].

According to the WHO, more than 300 million people throughout the world suffer from depression [12]. Almost one in every four-elderly people, for example, suffers from serious cognitive decline, which is a major risk factor for later development of dementia [13,14]. Moreover, depression symptoms are prominent condition amongst older people, with a significant impact on the well-being and quality of life. Scholars clearly depicted that the prevalence of depressive symptoms increases with age and often accompanied by declined cognitive functioning among elders [15-17]. Depressive symptoms are not lone indicators of psychological well-being but are also recognized as significant predictors [16]. Researchers have witnessed that, generally Africa, specifically; Ethiopia is characterized by famine, drought, disease and civil conflicts. These factors substantially decrease coping skills among the elderly [7].

Depressive illnesses are among the most prevalent form of psychological problems in Ethiopian communities, affecting people of all ages, socioeconomic classes and educational levels. Relatively few Ethiopians who experience symptoms of depression seek professional help [18]. There were various studies conducted on geriatric depression and cognitive functioning in different parts of the world. However, in Ethiopia, there are no clearly documented data on this issue. Therefore, this study attempted to fill this gap by studying the prevalence of geriatric depression and cognitive impairment among institutionalized elders in Addis Ababa. In addition, the variables were investigated across different sociodemographic variables.


Study design and area

The study design was a cross-sectional descriptive survey. The study tried to investigate elder’s cognitive functioning with symptoms of depression. The elders were aged 60 and above. They were chosen from two institutionalized care centers in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, namely; Kaliti Institutional Care Center for the Elderly (KICCE) and Kibre Aregawuyan Migbare Senay Direjit (KAMSD).

Inclusion and exclusion criteria

The elders were selected based on the following inclusion/ exclusion criteria. The inclusion criteria included elders who were: a) aged of 60 and above, b) willing and able to give their consent, c) had no major other psychiatric disorder, d) had no significant sensory and/or language impairments and e) did not participate in the pilot study. On the other hand, participants those who did not met the inclusion criteria were automatically excluded.

Sampling and participants

The participants of the study were selected by using purposive sampling technique. Out of total of 148 elders, 116 elders who fulfilled the inclusion criteria were selected. Sixtyeight of them (58.62%) were male and the remaining 48 (41.37%) were female.

Instruments of data collection

The instrument of data collection for depression was Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-15). The scale is valid and reliable, even across cultures [19,20]. The sensitivity of the instrument was 0.97, the specificity was calculated to be 0.95 and the Cronbach’s alpha was 0.80 [21]. A pilot test was conducted on 15 participants and the reliability of Cronbach alpha of 0.84 was obtained. The scale contains 15 Yes/No items. In GDS, a score of 0-9 is considered normal, 10-19 indicate mild depression and a score of over 20 is suggestive of severe depression.

Similarly, Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) contains 12 items and it was used to measure cognitive functioning of the elders. Folstein et al. reported that for samples of psychiatric patients, at least, the reliability of the instrument was found to be more than 0.82 [22].

Method of data analysis

Quantitative data analysis was used by using SPSS.21. In order to assess prevalence of depression and cognitive functioning and to investigate the relationship between depression and cognitive functioning, descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, Pearson correlation and frequency distribution) were used. In addition, inferential statistics (t-test and one-way ANOVA) were used to measure mean differences of depression and cognitive functioning across demographic variables.


As we can see from Table 1, majority of the participants 68 (58.6%), were male whereas 48 (41.4%) of them were females. In terms of age, nearly half of the elders (44.8%) were between 60-74 years of age and the remaining portion is occupied by elders above 75 years. Besides, more than half of the participants who accounted for 52.6% (61) were illiterates. With regard to the distribution of marital status, the widowed accounted for the highest number, 42 (36.2%) followed by those elders who were married 39 (33.6%).

Table 1 Socio-demographic background of participants.

Socio-demographic variables Classifications Frequency Percent
Age 60-74 52 44.8
75-84 31 26.7
85 and above 33 28.4
Total 116 100
Gender Male 68 58.6
Female 48 41.4
Total 116 100
Educational background Illiterates 61 52.6
Primary 45 38.8
High School 10 8.6
Total 116 100
Marital status Married 39 33.6
Single 9 7.8
Divorced 26 22.4
Total 116 100

Table 2 shows that, more than half of the elders 59 (50.9%) had mild depressive symptoms and 20 (17.2%) of the elders had severe depressive symptoms. The remaining 37 (31.9%) of elders were normal in terms of depressive symptoms.

Table 2 The prevalence of depression and declined cognitive functioning.

Variables Levels Frequency Percent
Depression symptoms  Normal 37 31.9
Mild  59 50.9
Sever  20 17.2
Total 116 100
Cognitive functioning  Normal 15 12.9
Mildly declined 38 32.8
Moderately declined 53 45.7
Severely declined 10 8.6
Total  116 100

Concerning level of cognitive functioning, nearly half of the elders 53 (45.7%) had moderate level of declined cognitive functioning followed by elders having mild declined functioning 38 (32.8%). In contrast, 8.6% of the elders had severe declined cognitive functioning.

Table 3 shows that elders with mild and severe form of depression had 16.23 mean score of MMSE and elders without depressive symptoms mean score was 24.20. This implies that those elders who were positive in depression had manifested moderate decline in cognitive functioning than those elders having no (less) symptoms of depression.

Table 3 The mean scores of cognitive functioning among elders with positive and negative symptoms of depression.

Symptoms Total Percent Mean score of MMSE
Positive (mild/severe) 79 68.10 16.23
Negative (normal/not risky) 37 31.90 24.20
Total 116 100  

Pearson correlation coefficient was calculated and the result showed that there is a significant moderately negative (r=-0.477) relationship between depression and cognitive functioning. It implies that, when depression increases, cognitive functioning decreases moderately (Table 4).

Table 4 Correlations between GDS-15 and MMSE.

Variables Depression
Depression 1
Cognitive Functioning -0.48**

**p<0.01 level (2-tailed)

A t-test was calculated to know if there was difference in depression between male and female participants. The result showed that there was no statistically significant difference in depression between male and female elders, t=-1.533, df=114, p>0.05 (Table 5).

Table 5 Depression and gender.

Variable Groups N M SD Df t Sig.
Gender  Male 68 5.62 2.921 114 -1.533 0.128
  Female 48 6.52 3.408      

M: Mean; SD: Standard Deviation; DF: Degree of Freedom

To check gender difference in cognitive functioning among elders, a t-test was computed. The result of data analysis indicated that there was a statistically significant difference between male and female elders t=2.848*, df=114, p*P<0.05. This implies that, relatively male elders have higher cognitive functioning than female elders (Table 6).

Table 6 Gender and cognitive functioning.

Variables Groups N M SD Df t Sig.
Gender  Male 68 19.57 5.516 114 2.848* 0.005
  Female 48 16.6 5.55      

*P<0.05. M: Mean; SD: Standard Deviation ; DF: Degree of Freedom

The statistical analysis disclosed that, there was a statistically significant difference (F (2,113)=5.115, P<0.05) among elders at all age groups. Post-hoc Tukey comparison was computed and the result showed that elderly aged 60-74(M=5.20, SD=2.974) statistically differed from elderly aged 84 and above (M=7.06, SD=2.904) in depression. This means, elderlies aged 84 and above were more depressed compared to the rest (Table 7).

Table 7 Comparison of depression symptoms across age, education and marital status.

Variables SS Df MS F Sig.
Age  Between groups 94.39 2 47.19 5.11* 0
Within groups 1042.6 113 9.22    
Total 1136.99 115      
Educational Between groups 141.96 2 113 70.98 8.06* 0
Background Within groups 995.02   8.8    
Total 1136.99 115      
Marital status Between groups 237.41 3 79.14 9.85* 0
Within groups 899.57 112 8.03    
Total 1136.99 115      

*P<.05, SS: Sum Squares; MS: Mean Square; Df: Degree of Freedom

Accordingly, Table 8 shows that there was a statistically significant difference, F (2,113)=8.061, P<0.05) among elderly with different educational background. Accordingly, the post hoc comparison indicated that elders who were illiterate (M=7.02, SD=2.941) had higher level of depression symptoms compared to those who attained primary school level (M=4.69, SD=2.75). However, there was no significant difference among other educational levels.

Table 8 Comparison of cognitive functioning across age, education and marital status.

Variables SS Df MS F Sig.
Age  Between groups 399.295 2 199.648 6.765* 0.002
Within groups 3334.912 113 29.512    
Total 3734.207 115      
Educational Between groups 1041.297 2 113 520.648 21.847* 0
Background  Within groups 2692.91   23.831    
Total 3734.207 115      
Marital status Between groups 407.01 3 135.67 4.567* 0.005
Within groups 3327.197 112 29.707    
Total 3734.207 115      

*P<0.05, SS=Sum Squares, MS=Mean Square, DF=Degree of Freedom

Besides, there was a statistically significant difference, F (3,112)=9.853, P<0.05) in depression symptom across elderly who were married, single, divorced and widowed. Particularly, the post hoc analysis displayed that elders who were married had lower depression symptoms compared to the divorced and widowed elders.

The above table shows that, there is statistically significant difference in cognitive functioning among the elders in terms of age, educational background and marital status. Accordingly, the above table revealed that there is significant difference among elders in cognitive functioning across all age groups, F (2,113)=6.765, P<0.05. A post hoc analysis displayed that cognitive functioning of elders aged 60-74(M=20.38, SD=5.424) significantly differed from those aged 75-84 (M=17.03, SD=6.074) and those aged 85 and above (M=16.36, SD=4.769). But those aged 75-84 did not differ significantly from other groups. It was also indicated that elderly aged 60-74 were had higher cognitive functioning than the rest.

As we can see from the above table, there is statistically significant difference in cognitive functioning among all levels of education, F (2,113)=21.847, P<0.05). This implies that elders who were illiterate relatively had more declined cognitive functioning than the other groups. Moreover, elders who were illiterate (M=15.64, SD=4.719) had significant difference from the elderly who were at primary school (M=24.20, SD=2.821). Accordingly, the result indicated that, elderly who were at high school level education had higher cognitive functioning compared to the rest.

In relation to marital status, there was a significant difference in cognitive functioning among all marital statuses, F (3(112)=4.567, P<0.05.

In line with this, the descriptive statistics result revealed that, the highest mean score of cognitive functioning was accounted by elderly who were married (M=20.79, SD=6.005) followed by divorced (M=18.23, SD=5.465) and the least mean score was for elderly who were single (M=15.89, SD=5.883) followed by those who were widowed (M=16.67, SD=4.771). Accordingly, the post hoc test showed that, married elders (M=20.79, SD=6.005) were significantly different from widowed (M=16.67, SD=4.771). However, there was no significant difference among the rest.


According to WHO, more than 300 million people throughout the world suffer from depression [12]. A study conducted in North West Ethiopia reported the prevalence of depression to be 17.5% among adults [23]. Similarly, a literature review indicated that the pooled prevalence of depression was 6.8% [24]. A national health survey showed that the prevalence of depression was 9.1% in Ethiopia [25]. Concerning geriatric depression, Girma et al. found that its prevalence was 28.5% [26]. In comparison to other studies, this study came up with the highest rate of prevalence of depression (68.1%) among elders in the study area, KAMSD and KICCE. This high prevalence may be attributed to the institutional setting. This result is relatively closer to a study result conducted in a hospital located in South India [27]. We suggest that other researchers should consider elders living outside institutionalized care centers.

Older individuals face many challenges associated with physical and mental deterioration. Evidence suggests that aging is associated with a decline in the ability to perform several cognitive tasks [28]. Hamilton stated that individuals with cognitive impairment were older and had more depressive symptoms compared to normal controls [29]. Cognitive functioning is highly related to an individual’s perceptions, memory, thinking, reasoning and awareness that deteriorates as a person ages [30]. There are remarkable indications that depressed elderly people often experience low cognitive functioning status [31]. Cognitive decline in elderly is characterized by impairments in daily activities including memory, decision-making ability, planning, organization and mental flexibility [32]. One out of four-elders suffers from serious cognitive decline, which in turn, may result in dementia [13,14]. However, results from this study indicated that most of the elders (87.1%) had declined cognitive functioning.

A study conducted in the US indicated that as geriatric depression increases, the language, memory and processing speed decreases [29]. Similarly, our study showed that was a significant inverse relationship between depression and cognitive functioning (r=0.48, p<0.01).

Studies showed that, depression in general and geriatric depression in particular, is more prevalent among elders [33-38]. Similarly, a study conducted in Ethiopia indicated that there was gender difference in depression among the elders [39]. In contrast to most studies, this study found that there was no significant relationship between depression and gender. In addition to gender, depression is associated to age. As people get older, their level of depression gets higher [27]. Similarly, this study found that people who were 84 and older had more depressive symptoms compared to elders of other age groups. However, some studies indicated that the prevalence of depression doesn’t consistently change based on age and marital status [40].

Old age is not only associated to depressive symptoms but also associated with cognitive decline [41]. This study showed that about half (45.7%) of the elders had moderate cognitive decline and 8.6% of them had sever cognitive decline. Consistently, a study reported that the level of cognitive decline was 31% among elderly patients in India [27]. Moreover, this study tried to see if there were differences in cognitive functioning across selected socio-demographic variables. In terms of age, consistent with this study, different studies reported that cognitive decline increase as aging increases [27]. Besides, the study indicated that male elders had relatively higher cognitive function compared to their female counterparts. Other studies confirmed the same result [27]. Our study detected that illiterate elders had lower cognitive performance compared to others. In addition, other similar studies indicated that elders more educated elders had less cognitive impairment [29,42-44]. However, other studies suggested that the relationship between cognitive functioning educational attainment [45,46].

Likewise, cognitive performance is related to gender. Most studies reported that male elders had better cognitive functioning compared to females [43,47,48]. Consistently, the present study confirmed this difference. In addition, the present study found that there was a significant difference in cognitive functioning between married and widowed elders. Married elders scored higher in MMSE score compared to the widowed. Similarly, other studies confirmed that elders with partners had higher score in cognitive performance compared to those who had no partner [49-53].


The study found that depression and cognitive declining was higher among elders in two selected institutionalized care centers in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. In addition, females scored lower in cognitive functioning compared to males. The study also indicated that increased age and illiteracy were associated with lower cognitive functioning and higher level of depression. Besides, elders without partners manifested higher depressive symptoms and lower cognitive functioning. This implies that elderly programs should consider social support system.

Conflicting Interest

The authors declare that there are no financial and nonfinancial competing interests.


The authors would like to thank the study participants for their genuine responses. In addition, our deepest gratitude goes to program managers of KAMSD and KICCE. Finally, we thank Betregiorgis Gebre and other data collection team for their kind collaboration.



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