Departamento de Medicina Familiar, Hospital Universitario José Eleuterio González, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico
Rapid Communication
Características morfológicas de la apoptosis controlada
Author(s): Herrera Rosales*
Putrefaction of a cell is characterized by the deficiency of its plasma layer uprightness. Morphologically, putrefaction happens in a few structures like coagulative corruption, colliquative rot, caseating rot, fibrinoid rot, and others. Biochemically, putrefaction was exhibited to address various hereditarily decided flagging pathways. These incorporate (I) kinase-interceded necroptosis, which relies upon receptor connecting protein kinase 3 (RIPK3)- interceded phosphorylation of the pseudokinase blended heredity kinase area like (MLKL); (ii) gasdermin-interceded putrefaction downstream of inflammasomes, additionally alluded to as pyroptosis; and (iii) an iron-catalyzed system of profoundly unambiguous lipid peroxidation named ferroptosis. Given the sub-a.. View More»