Anbrasi Edward
International Health (Primary) Division: Health System
Anbrasi Edward, PhD, MPH, MBA is a full time faculty in the department of International Health and co-instructs several management and primary health care courses at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. She has over 15 years of experience mostly in Africa and Asia, providing technical assistance to several USAID funded initiatives for program planning and evaluation and developing community based systems for improved health service delivery including countries emerging from/or in post conflict like Cambodia, Rwanda, Mozambique, and Mindanao, Philippines. Her recent research has been focused on health system evaluation performance measures for the World Bank, PAHO, and JSI. The first partnership with the center began with the health reconstruction efforts in Afghanistan in 2002 with World Relief. Currently, she is a co-principal investigator for the evaluation of the Afghanistan Ministryââ
Health systems reaearch and evaluation, quality management, Primary Health Care