Nick Kostovic
Acupuncture by bio Electrons Laser, Corp., USA
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Arch Cancer Res
The K-BTE device releases electrons, enriched with natural acids, and is capable of melting by burning off, number of sick cells with no harm to the healthy cells. It melts by burning off then disperses dead cells from the fiber of atrophied muscle, bone and cartilage tissue as well as plaque from the vascular system with no harm to healthy cells. The K-BTE device attracts and transfers light which consists of elemental bio electrons’ photons and electron neutrinos into the brain. This fosters the regeneration, recovery and re-growth of neurons in the brain, thereby improving memory and mobility. Melting and destroying malignant cancer cells in the brain or any other physical organ accomplished with no side effects and no harm to healthy cells. Melting cleanses internal plaque from the vascular system in the brain or any other physical organ. This will prevent strokes, heart attacks, diabetes and many different neurological disorders. Melting cleanses the fiber tissue of dead cells dispersing them and making space for the formation of new and healthy cells. This is the most important step for a vital, longer lasting life. The K-BTE device has the capability to cleanse the body of radioactive radiation particles as well as different types of toxic biochemical nerve gas. This enriched electrons radiation emitting process is absolutely nonradioactive, non-toxic and is, in no way, shock therapy. Definition of bio electrons’ photons: bio electrons’ photons are sub elemental quanta energetic forms of bio electricity. Connected in the special circuit enables us to produce RC reverse current. Reverse current is a carrier of a magnetic charge and unmistakably extracting, AC magnetic from electromagnetic charges. Electrons directly release magnetic charges in the opposite direction from its AC electrons. Loosened electromagnetic charged electrons are converted in the lower stage/grade of sub elemental quanta bio electron’s photons particles. It never becomes positrons.