Gimena de los Rios, Sylvana Caporale and Martin Magri
University of the Republic of Uruguay, Uruguay
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Univer Surg
As widely described in the medical literature, indications for fat grafting are increasing steadily. Lipofilling has become an invaluable tool particularly in plastic surgery, but the applications of ADSCs (Adipose derived stem cells) therapies extend far beyond this field. The initial goal of fat grafting is to treat exclusively volume losses that has shifted to the seek of the regenerative effect of the ADSCs. Today, we are able to understand and optimize uses of multipotent heterogeneous cellular populations found in adipose tissue to assist in the global treatment of the aging face. The authors describe their technique for facial fat grafting alone or associated to facelifts using microfat and nanofat grafts. By mechanical emulsification of the microcannula lipoaspirate, we produced biological concentrates in a closed system manner, which can be injected through thin cannulas and small bore needles. The previous injection of collagen stimulators and carboxytherapy enhances the quality of both host and donor sites. The addition of platelet growth factors (PRP) provides a trophic influence to amplify the regenerative response that potentiate the overall enhancement of suprayacent skin quality and fatgraft survival. The AArtS-Graft technique performed alone or accompanying facelifts offers another way to understand the concept of the aging face considering all the anatomical planes involved: sagging skin, loss of volume and poor skin quality
Gimena de los Rios has completed the Speciality of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery in 2007 from the University of the Republic of Uruguay. Permanent actualization of different surgical techniques in USA and Europe. He is a Member of SCPREU (Aesthetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery Society of Uruguay), FILACP (Iberolatinoamerican Federation of Plastic Surgery), IPRAS (International Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery), ISAPS (International Society of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery), IFATS (International Federation for Adipose Therapeutics and Science), SOLAGEF ( Latinoamerican Society of Aesthetic and Functional Gynecology), integrates the medical staff of the WAAC (Wellness Antiaging Centre). He is the Co- author of various papers published in the ISAPS journal. He is the Director of Private Clinic of Aesthetic Surgery and Regenerative Medicine and a Member of Gonzalo Bosch, MD surgical team since 2001.