
International Journal of Drug Development and Research

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Preparation and Evaluation of Physicochemical properties of Camel milk cream for Skin application

Proceedings of Formulations 2021 & Pharmacovigilance 2021
September 15-16, 2021 WEBINAR

Nafiseh Khorramakie*, Mostafa Safari, Hossein Vatanpour

Islamic Azad University of Medical sciences, Iran
Shid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Iran

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Int J Drug Dev & Res


Eczema and dry skin are a common problem in today’s society. Due to air pollution and the increasing use of chemicals, the need to use a natural moisturizer for the skin has increased. Camel milk has moisturizing, anti-eczema and anti-wrinkle properties due to its high amounts of vitamins C, E, B, alpha-hydroxy acid, antioxidants and proteins. However, no formulation of it was available in the pharmaceutical market. Therefore, this study was performed with the aim of making a topical formulation of camel milk powder in such a way that after titration and measuring the amount of vitamin C in camel milk powder compared to raw camel milk The cream containing %20 camel milk powder and vitamin E was prepared as an antioxidant in the form of lipid solid nanoparticles. The prepared formulations were examined. Physical and chemical studies including uniformity, cremation and covalence, centrifugation test, temperature change test, product pH determination, product rheology and microbial control of samples were performed.

Biography :

Nafiseh Khorramakie has completed her PhD at the age of 27years from Islamic Azad University of medical in Tehran. She has participated in the following seminars: Participate in the cosmetic formulation workshop held in Iran Pharma 2018 workshop. Participation in the Spring School of Economics and Drug Management held by the University of Tehran 2017 Participated in the twentieth ipss seminar 2017. Participated in the 14th ipsc2015 Congress of Pharmaceutical Sciences in Tehran. Participated in the seventh conference of the Association of Clinical Pharmacists in Tehran in 2015. Presentation of the article in the 19th seminar of pharmacy students in Shiraz 2014 on the subject of the effect of Gardenia jasminoid on the expression of collagenase enzyme mmp1.