Tania Gaspar and Manuela Faia Correia
CLISSIS/ Lusiada University; ISAMB/Lisbon University, COMEGI/Lusiada University
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Health Syst Policy Res
Health Organizations face increasing internal and external challenges, complex and multidimensional. In order to Improve Health Organizations Quality should be adopted an ecologic perspective. Experts were consulted to obtain a discussion with the aim of developing recommendations for the management of health organizations and for health management policies, using the Delphi method with 45 experts in management and public health. Based on the results obtained a Consensus Letter was drawn up. The main conclusions are organized by themes: governance, information and communication system, professionals, patient and assessment and monitoring. Regarding governance, it was concluded that to improve the quality and results of health organizations there is a fundamental need for transparency and regulation in governance, autonomous and independent management of the political power, long-term strategies, multi-annual plans and budgets, hospital managers with management training, management autonomy and accountability, systematic evaluation of processes and results, improvement of hierarchical communication. It is essential to articulate the different levels of service provision and to invest more in prevention, systematic connection with the community/network and home care. And the fundamental importance of having a robust, agile clinical Information and Communication System must be stressed. In terms of E-health, there should be greater investment in the use of telemedicine and other specialties as a way of expanding health responses. This study is intended as a Roadmap for the future - How to improve health care and services? What are the necessary steps to implement the indicated changes? Are presented and discuss suggestions to operationalize the change.
Aggregate and PhD in Psychology, Master in Public Health, Specialization - Health Promotion and Prevention and Degree in Clinical Psychology. PhD student in Management. Director of the Institute of Psychology and Educational Sciences at Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa Deputy PI for Portugal of Study Health Behavior School Aged Children / World Health Organization. Coordinator of the Research Group “Quality of Life, Psychosocial Intervention and Citizenship” of the Lusiada Center for Research Social Service and Social Intervention (CLISSIS) Psychology. Member of the Scientific Council of the Order of Portuguese Psychologists. Member of the Board of the Portuguese Psychogerontology Association. Member of the Board of the Portuguese Association of Health and Behavioral Sciences