Staphylococcus aureus is bacteria which cause disease to the humans. Mostly abscesses or cellulitis are the infections caused by staphylococcus aureus. It occurs when the skin gets cut or scrape which allows the bacteria to enter inside followed by the will be occurring mostly in legs and arms.
Related Journals of Staphylococcus aureus
Journal of Infectious Diseases and Treatment, Medical Mycology: Open Access, Journal of Pathology & Epidemiology, Primary & Acquired Immunodeficiency Research, Journal of Virology & Antiviral Research, Pathogens and disease, Current clinical microbiology reports, International journal of microbiology and immunology research, Journal of applied & environmental microbiology, Journal of global antimicrobial resistance, Microbiology spectrum, JSM microbiology, OA microbiology, SOJ microbiology & infectious diseases, Universal journal of microbiology research.