Ternopil Medical University, Ukraine
Special Issue Article
An application of artificial intelligence for telerehabilitation of patients with injuries of the lower extremities
Author(s): Andriy J. Hospodarskyy* and Andriy I. Tsvyakh
The continuous development of technology that paves the way towards the expansion of connections through the internet and the growth of the capacity to process data have created greater possibilities of the development of telemedicine. The increase of telemedicine has shown the rise of possible artificial intelligence (AI) application. The overarching theme of this paper is to discuss implementation of the telemedicine technology with machine learning algorithm for rehabilitation of patients with injuries of the lower extremities. A total of 148 subjects with lower extremity injuries were enrolled in the study. Fiftytwo patients from the control group underwent traditional rehabilitation procedures. A total of 96 subjects were enrolled in the telerehabilitation group. Home remote monitoring for the 96 test subjects included use of a prototype device with axis-sensor, temperature and v.. View More»