General Physician, Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales, Bogota, Colombia
Review Article
Gianotti Crosti Syndrome and Its Relationship with Acral Rash- Pediatric Approach
Author(s): Yalisa Consuegra Montes, Freddy Fernando Fonseca Lopez, Catherine Rosero Morales and Laura Andrea Martinez Puello
The Gianotti-Crosti syndrome, also known as popular acrodermatitis of childhood, is a secondary to, especially viral or after immunization of the host immune response against infections frequently little dermatosis. Usually appear in the Pediatric population because these patients usually are brought to your paediatrician is critical knowledge of the characteristics of this syndrome and the close relationship it has with the acral rash, to the point where authors have proposed to use the term GianottiCrosti, regardless of their cause and presentation to describe all eruptive dermatosis location of acral syndrome. However, it is essential recognition of both concepts individually, their differences and similarities to perform a correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment applied as appropriate. .. View More»