CEL-SCI Corporation, 8229 Boone Blvd, Vienna, VA 22182, USA
Research Article
Suppression of Arthritis by Immunomodulatory Leaps Peptide Vaccines in Animal Models of Rheumatoid Arthritis
Author(s): Adrienn Markovics*, Daniel H. Zimmerman, Katalin Mikecz and Ken S. Rosenthal
This Commentary presents the background, summary, and conclusions of a recently published article on preclinical studies of disease suppression by immunomodulatory peptide vaccines in mouse models of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). RA represents one of the most comm on autoimmune diseases that severely impact the quality of life of patients and put huge burden on healthcare. Therapeutic options are available to treat RA, ranging from over-thecounter anti-inflammatory drugs to classical immunosuppressants and newer inhibitors of inflammatory cytokine pathways. Unfortunately, 30-50% of RApatients do not respond effectively to current treatments. Based on the guidelines of the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) and the American College of Rheumatology (ACR), once a diagnosis is established, therapy should start with a conventional synthetic disease-modiyfing anti-rheumatic drug (csDMA.. View More»