Department of Orthopaedic and Spine Surgery, Vivekananda Institute of Medical Sciences,Kolkata, India
Research Article
Surgical Management of Fractures in Vertebrae with Enclosing Spondylitis - A Systematic Review with Newer Principles of Management
Author(s): Suhasish Ray*, D.K.Jha and Bikramjit Gayen
Ankylosing Spondylosis is a type of seronegativearthritisthat causes inflammation and eventually fusion of the spineand the spinal joints. Involvement of peripheral joints andextraarticularmanifestations. It includes-Ankylosingspondylitis (AS); Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis(DISH); End stage spondylosis multiform (EASM); Ossifiedposterior longitudinal ligament (OPLL). The prevalenceranges from 0.1 to 1 percent of the population, M>F,between15-40 years; 95% share the genetic marker HLA-B27. Numerous bony changes to spine include-Intraosseousbone loss; erosion; sclerosis; fractures; extra osseoussquaring; syndesmo and enthesophytes. Incidence ofvertebral fracture in patients with AS is 3.5 times higherthan in general population, 75% of the fractures occur in thecervical spine followed by the thoracic and lumbar spine.Spinal cord injury is about 11 times higher than the gene.. View More»