Department of Viral Disease & Human Disease, Hospital Health Sciences & Technology, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, India
Viral Infections: Viral Diseases & New Viruses
Author(s): Dr. Rumi Narayanan*
In India, infectious diseases continue to be the leading cause of human and animal morbidity and mortality, which results in significant expenditures for healthcare. There have been numerous epidemics and outbreaks of infectious diseases in the nation. However, significant progress has been made in the past in the fight against major epidemic diseases like cholera, malaria, the plague, and leprosy. Unique patterns of viral disease distribution are revealed by the country's vast terrain, extreme geoclimatic differences, and uneven population distribution. With regard to the emergence of infectious diseases, dynamic interactions between biological, sociocultural, and ecological factors, in addition to novel aspects of human-animal interphase, present additional obstacles. Understanding the impact of factors that are necessary for the emergence of infectious diseases and developing s.. View More»