General and Department of Microbiology, University of Royal Holloway University of London, United Kingdom
History of Medical Microbiology
Author(s): Dr. Swahil Kahyesh*
Using a unique single-lens microscope, Anton van Leeuwenhoek observed
bacteria and other microorganisms in 1676. Edward Jenner came up with a way
to successfully immunize a child against smallpox in 1796 using cowpox. Today,
the same principles are used to create vaccines. In 1857, Louis Pasteur created
vaccines against anthrax, avian cholera, and rabies as well as pasteurization for
food preservation as a follow-up to this.
Antiseptic surgery is credited to Joseph Lister, who developed it in 1867. Postoperative
infections were reduced by using diluted carbolic acid to sterilize the
instruments and clean wounds, making surgery safer for patients. Between the
years 1876 and 1884, Robert Koch shed a lot of light on infectious diseases. One
of the first researchers to concentrate on the isolation of bacteria in pure culture
was him. This led to the g.. View More»