Medical Center of Belgrade University of Vellore of Technology, India
Mini Review
Bacterial Infection of the Skin and Skin Microflora, Microbiome
Author(s): Dr. Tabish Joshi*
Skin and soft tissue infections (SSTIs) involve microbial invasion of the skin and
underlying soft tissues. They have variable presentations, etiologies and severities.
The challenge of SSTIs is to efficiently differentiate those cases that require
immediate attention and intervention, whether medical or surgical, from those that
are less severe. Approximately 7% to 10% of hospitalized patients are affected by
SSTIs, and they are very common in the emergency care setting. The skin has an
extremely diverse ecology of organisms that may produce infection. The clinical
manifestations of SSTIs are the culmination of a two-step process involving invasion
and the interaction of bacteria with host defences. The cardinal signs of SSTIs involve
the features of inflammatory response, with other manifestations such as fever, rapid
progression of lesions and bullae. .. View More»