INSERM U624, Stress Cellulaire, Parc Scientifique et Technologies de Luminy, 163 Avenue de Luminy, BP 915ΒΈ13288 Marseille cedex 9, France
Mini Review
Malignancy Oxidative Shift Stimulated by Lack of Oxygen relates to Tumor Aggressive behaviors
Author(s): Jim scarlet*
With a 5-year survival rate of only 3?5%, pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma remains
one of the most lethal solid tumours. A typical clinical presentation of an incurable
disease is the result of its aggressive biology and resistance to conventional and
targeted therapeutic agents once it is diagnosed. Desmoplasia, a dense stroma
of fibroblasts and inflammatory cells, is the hallmark of the disease. It prevents
oxygen from reaching the organ and creates a strong hypoxic environment within
the tumor. We argue in this review that pancreatic cancer cells undergo oncogenic
and metabolic changes, facilitating their proliferation, and that hypoxia is to blame
for the tumour?s highly aggressive and metastatic characteristics. However, the
molecular changes that cause pancreatic cancer cells to adapt their metabolism
remain a mystery. Cachexia is a symptom of this illness that shows that.. View More»