Assistant professor, Department of Surgery, Dhaka Medical College Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Microbial Profile in Bile from Cholecystectomised Patients by Culture and Multiplex PCR
Author(s): Nasreen Farhana*, Jannatul Fardows, Mohammad Ashraf Uddin Khan and SM Shamsuzzaman
Objectives: Bile in the biliary tract is normally sterile but presence of gallstones, ascending infection from duodenum or bacterial translocation from portal vein leads to microfloral colonization. Therefore, this study was aimed to evaluate the microbiological profile of bile for determination of the appropriate antimicrobials in cholecystectomised patients.
Design: This was a descriptive type of cross sectional study from July, 2013 to December, 2014 in a tertiary medical college hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh Participants: This study included 246 patients irrespective of age and sex who underwent laparoscopic or open cholecystectomy for various indications in a tertiary hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Methods: The intraoperative bile samples were collected and cultured in Blood agar and MacConkey’s agar media a.. View More»