Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University College Hospital (UCH), Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria
Colonization of School Children (Age less than 5 years) Lunch Box by bacterial Pathogens Associated with Infant Diarrhea in Shomolu Local Government Area, Lagos, Nigeria
Author(s): Dr. Joseph Omololu-Aso*, Sotala T and Omololu-Aso OO
Introduction: The incidence of Infant diarrheal disease is a global problem which is more prevalent in developing countries. The survey was conducted to evaluate infant diarrhea, among school children and implicated bacterial pathogens in Shomolu Local Government Area, Lagos State, Nigeria.
Materials and Methods: Ethical permissions were obtained, research questionnaires were administered to mothers with children below five years old and forty five samples i.e., lunch boxes/baskets obtained in groups of nine at five different schools within the study area were used for the analysis. Research questions were generated, various hypotheses were tested, and analysis of questionnaires (using SPSS Data analysis), case records and laboratory results were appropriately analyzed using conventional methods of isolating both enterobacteriaceae and other.. View More»