Clinic for Child Neurology and Social Paediatrics, Child Centre Maulbronn, Maulbronn, Germany
Role of neurological and neuropsychiatric comorbidities in the long-term outcome of severe paediatric feeding and eating disorders - A caregiver perspective
Author(s): Lydia Blank*, Georg Friedrich Hoffmann and Rainer Blank
Aim: To examine the long-term outcome of severe paediatric feeding
and eating disorders as perceived by their caregivers in relation to
predominant areas of comorbidities in the neurodevelopmental and
behavioural field.
Methods: A sample of 103 patients (ICD-10 F98.2, age below
7 years, all previously referred for a four-week inpatient eating
intervention between 2009 and 2016) was followed up by a parent
questionnaire with the target parameters being age-appropriate
eating and long-term improvement (Likert scale 1-10).
Four comorbidity subgroups were compared: 1) neurological
comorbidities (“Neuro-group”, n=28), 2) behavioural comorbidities
(“Psy-group”, n=24), 3) developmental delay without severe
neurological or behavioural disorders (“DD-group”, n=22) and 4.. View More»