Arun College of nursing, Vellore, India
Special Issue Article
The risk of increasing violence against nurses and what we can do about the problem..?
Author(s): Sagar.k
Physical and verbal assault from our patients and their friends and relatives is not only difficult to deal with at the time but can have a long and lasting negative impact on our wellbeing and mental health. Yet, incidents appear to be on the rise with 6,245 code blacks (incidents where the safety of hospital staff is threatened) in South Australian public hospitals by February 2017 for the year 2016-17, compared to 4,765 at the same point in 2015-16. the Australian Institute of Criminology ranked healthcare facilities as the most violent workplaces in the country as far back as 1999, the trend for aggression has continued to increase both at home, and in the rest of the world. In fact, worldwide you’re more likely to be attacked at work if you are a nurse than a police officer.
Sagar.k working as an assistant professor,arun college .. View More»