Department of Health science and cardio vascular system, Portugal
Case Report
The Influence of Core Training In Cardiorespiratory Hospitalized Patients-Case Report
Author(s): Rosa P and Santos J
Purpose: Evaluate the influence of core training on functionality and peak cough flow
in hospitalized patients.
Methods: Core training was applied 3 times to 5 patients and consisted of 4 exercises
(lateral trunk rotation with Swiss ball in hand and throwing the ball; squatting to pick
up the swiss ball from the floor; sitting on a chair, perform hip flexion; sitting on the
edge of the chair, lean back and return to the starting position). The progression of
patients was assessed through the tests: Supine Bridge Test (SBT), Flexor fatigue Test
(FFT), Peak Cough Flow (PCF) and Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) and
during the course of the sessions it was continuously monitored saturation (SpO2),
heart rate (HR) and dyspnea with modified borg scale (MBS).
Results: All patients obtained imp.. View More»