Dhaka Shishu Hospital, Bangladesh
Short Communication
Foreign body aspiration: An important cause of medley acute and chronic respiratory symptoms in children and its management by flexible bronchoscopy
Author(s): Sarabon Tahura*
Introduction: Foreign body (FB) aspiration in airway is a common occurrence in pediatric age group, need prompt recognition and management. However, it is not always diagnosed (especially in radiolucent FB) due to non-specific symptoms of varying severity. Often the symptoms are subtle and mistaken for other more common conditions like pneumonia and asthma and do not respond as expected to standard therapy and present a diagnostic challenge. Rigid bronchoscopy still remains the gold standard in Bangladesh to remove airway FBs.
Aim: The main aim of this study was to emphasize the importance of considering airway foreign body as a cause of acute and chronic respiratory symptoms in children and to outline the clinical evidences of the utility and feasibility of flexible bronchoscopy for management of airway FB in children.
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